Seitsmeteistkümnes päev Hispaanias

Hakkasin tegeleda enda asju ja sain paigaldada Proxmox ja CentoOS.

Proxmox see oli minu idee ma tahan lihtsalt proovida iscsi disk panna ja proovida LXC containers kasutada.

CentoOS kohe tuli üks probleem paigaldasin juba ära aga netti ei ole. Mõtlesin äkki vahetan network adapterid. Olen juba proovinud bridget, nat, midagi ei tööta. Võtsin uus iso fail äkki sellega oli probleem. Lõpuks tuli see, et paigaldamise ajal sa pead käsitsi tööle panema network adapter ja see ei ole millelgi pärast vaikimisi sisse lüllitatud.

Pärast hakkasin paigaldama kõik vajaliku asjad näiteks POSTGRESQL, WEBMIN ja teised asjad: 


  1. htop: Interactive process viewer, similar to the traditional top command but with more features and a better UI.

  2. tmux: Terminal multiplexer that allows you to create and manage multiple terminal sessions within a single terminal window or remote terminal.

  3. multitail: Tail multiple log files simultaneously in a single terminal window, with color highlighting and filtering capabilities.

  4. bind-utils: Utilities for querying DNS servers, including the dig and nslookup commands.

  5. yum-utils: Provides additional utilities and plugins for managing Yum repositories and packages.

  6. bzip2: A file compression utility used to compress and decompress files using the Bzip2 algorithm.

  7. telnet: Telnet client for connecting to remote hosts using the Telnet protocol.

  8. fail2ban: Intrusion prevention framework that scans log files and bans IPs that show malicious signs.

  9. httpd: Apache HTTP server, a widely used web server software.

  10. mod_ssl: Apache module for enabling SSL/TLS encryption for secure HTTP connections.

  11. mod_security: Apache module for web application firewall and intrusion detection and prevention.

  12. mod_evasive: Apache module for detecting and mitigating DoS (Denial of Service) attacks.

  13. iptables-services: Service scripts for managing iptables firewall rules.

  14. nano: A simple and easy-to-use text editor for the terminal.

  15. java-1.8.0-openjdk: OpenJDK 8, an open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition.

  16. wget: Command-line utility for downloading files from the web.

  17. tree: Command-line utility for displaying directory trees in a hierarchical format.

  18. monit: Utility for monitoring and managing processes, files, directories, and devices on a Unix system.

  19. openvpn: OpenVPN software for creating secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections in routed or bridged configurations and remote access facilities.

  20. nextcloud-client: Nextcloud desktop sync client for syncing files and folders with a Nextcloud server.


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